MeDirect Bank has securitised HollandWoont mortgage loans

On November 29, 2022, the Bastion 2022-1 NHG securitisation transaction was successfully completed by MeDirect Bank. The Bastion 2022-1 NHG portfolio consists of € 526,5 million of Dutch residential mortgage loans originated by HollandWoont and funded by MeDirect Bank. This is the third consecutive year that MeDirect Bank has securitised HollandWoont mortgage loans.

Dutch Mortgage Portfolio Management (DMPM) congratulates MeDirect Bank with the successful execution of this transaction.

HollandWoont was established in 2019 by DMPM as a platform to originate Dutch residential mortgage loans on behalf of investors like MeDirect Bank. Each new HollandWoont mortgage loan benefits from a guarantee under the Dutch Nationale Hypotheek Garantie (NHG) scheme

DMPM is Director of HollandWoont and acts as Portfolio Manager. HollandWoont mortgage loans are distributed through Conneqt Mortgage Distribution (Conneqt), underwriting and servicing of the mortgage loans are subcontracted to Quion Groep (Quion).