
Distribution management

As Lender of Record, we manage the complex administrative and regulatory aspects of lending, enabling investors to focus on their core investment objectives. One of our key responsibilities is establishing the distribution policy for our mortgage brands. Our mortgages are exclusively available by independent, AFM licensed advisors. DMPM has a high quality independent and sufficient distribution outreach to ensure that investors can easily participate in our plug-and-play investment model.

Two man in a room. One is sitting behing laptop and looking to a man standing with coffee

Optimal distribution network

In our role as distribution manager, DMPM maintains a robust and diverse network of qualitative and quantitative distribution channels with mortgage advisers. We have deliberately chosen to work with a select number of service providers such as our sister organisation ROMEO, also part of Blauwtrust Group. These strategic collaborations enable us to enforce reliable service level agreements and offer tailored service models that meet market needs.

Man calling behind laptop

Nationwide market coverage

DMPM has a high quality distribution network and can guarantee a nationwide distribution coverage in The Netherlands. With this distribution network we are able to achieve an impressive 83% coverage of the Dutch mortgage market. 

DMPM's Data Analytics team analyses 24/7 the Dutch housing and mortgage market. To keep pace with the digitalisation and automation trends in mortgage distribution. We closely monitor trends such as consumer behaviour, the Dutch housing and mortgage market and adapt our mortgage products accordingly. We also proactively evaluate the presentation of our products in digital comparison tools and adapt features to meet market needs.

Want to know more?

For more insight into our distribution strategy, please feel free to contact us.

Portait photo Mark de Bruijn Account manager large accounts