From investment opportunity to concrete returns

The process

DMPM recognises that each investor has specific investment objectives and that a one-size-fits-all approach is not appropriate to achieve these objectives. Hence, we have defined 12 plug-and-play investment options. This approach empowers investors to make decisions aligned with their preferences regarding duration, risk profile, forward flow, and portfolio choices while seamlessly benefiting from a plug-and-play model.

To ensure that DMPM meets the investment objectives for the full term of an investment mandate, we follow a carefully designed process.

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From investment opportunity to concrete returns

The start of any partnership between DMPM and an investor begins with jointly defining the investment objectives and criteria, such as duration, risk appetite, redemption type, and return. During this first step, extensive discussions take place during which DMPM seeks to determine not only the investor's objectives but also the limits of his or her risk appetite.

This first phase can be completed very quickly if the investor is familiar with the Dutch mortgage market and the intricacies of investing in Dutch mortgages. 

Once these have been agreed, the investment strategy can be developed and a combination of mortgage label and investment solution is jointly selected.

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The next phase involves the actual setting-up of the investment mandate. Depending on the investment solution selected, this requires a certain amount of structuring and documentation.

During this phase, investors typically also carry out due diligence on DMPM and our involved sister companies from the Bauwtrust Groep, and if applicable any other investors.

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Upon successful completion of the structuring, documentation and due diligence, DMPM starts executing the mandate. While delivering investment returns, we continuously track the performance of the portfolio over time, periodically adjusting the portfolio to ensure alignment with the investment objectives and desired risk-return profile. 

The best results are achieved if both parties view the investment mandate as a true partnership. Frequent and open communication is an important element in achieving the investment objectives. Read more about monitoring and communication here. 

Should an investor decide to terminate its investment mandate, DMPM can assist the investor in selling its portfolio, if applicable and possible under the selected investment solution.

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Personal advice

If you would like to discuss what investment solution and structure best suits your needs, our investment specialists are happy to help. Please do not hesitate to contact Arno Dries, Manager Investor Relations.

Man sitting a table behing laptop and makes notes in a notebook